Join Farmer Paul for a fun and educational Saturday morning experience!
Meet the animals and help feed them during our Saturday 10am walk about.
Don’t miss this opportunity to get up close and personal with our farm’s friendly creatures.
Just show up or contact us and be a part of this unique and exciting adventure!
A farm doesn’t exist without a community. Sometimes, we could benefit from a helping hand, particularly when it is time to harvest or plant thousands of garlic cloves or sweet potatoes! Let us know if you might be interested in working on the farm or at the farm store one day. You can go home with a basket of goodies!
Volunteers & Visitors
How to Get Involved
We encourage anyone interested to become a volunteer. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about what farming is like; wanted to pick up tips on how to farm; or simply interested in lending us a hand; we welcome your involvement!
We can use volunteer help on field days (Monday and Wednesday), harvest days (always Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, but every day in tomato season!), and market days (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays). If you are interested in volunteering please email Cleo using our contact form and let us know what day you’re available to volunteer. Our normal volunteer days don’t work in you schedule? No worries, we can usually figure out a schedule that works.
Please Note: Since we are a production farm please do not drop-in without prior arrangements. Being a production farm we want to insure our volunteers have a productive and safe time on the farm.
Visitors and Farm Tours
Interested in touring the farm, seeing our greenhouses, checking out our heirloom tomatoes, and the lovely habitat areas we’ve developed. Our customers are always welcome to walk the farm during our market hours. You can see our menagerie of poultry in view of our farm store, a restored 18-acre wetland from an observation blind (both built by Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage), our heritage hogs in the pasture behind the pond, the Goldsborough Creek of the Miles River, and our 50 acres of grass buffer strips protecting that tributary.
We also welcome small groups with prior arrangements for a modest fee for our time. Please email us to schedule a date and time. Bring boots (and coconut oil to repel any ticks).
Farm Rules
- All visitors must have closed-toed shoes (no sandals or flip-flops).
- All children must be accompanied by adults.
- We love animals too but pets must be well-behaved and leashed since we have chickens on the loose (service animals are always welcome).
- No smoking is permitted anywhere on the farm (ever, seriously). If you are a smoker, you are not permitted to enter the greenhouses.
- Find yourself by a closed gate? Please don’t open it. It’s likely closed for a reason. You should assume that all fences are electrified, so please don’t touch fences or gates.
- When in our crop fields please walk along the paths and not on the plants.
- Farms have lots of machinery. Please use common sense and be careful around any equipment and tractors.
- Summer days can get very hot. We recommend sunscreen, plenty of water, and a hat.If it has rained recently, you will need boots. And coconut oil on your legs and arms is prudent to repel any lurking ticks.