An agriculture focused on regenerative practices is by definition agriculture focused on improving soil health through increased soil carbon and life in the soil. While industrial agriculture has been mining the soil of minerals, fertility, and life for the last 50+ years, regenerative agriculture is about growing and feeding soil life.
What is Regenerative Agriculture?
To help ensure our vision of “healthy land, healthy people, and healthy communities”, The Cottingham Farm uses regenerative agriculture practices in our heritage pork, heritage poultry, and crop enterprises. We take a Holistic Management approach to managing our farm.
We have all become aware of the damages caused by our current food system. The intense use of pesticides, artificial fertilizers, GMOs, the heavy reliance on fossil-fuel-hungry machines in conventional farming, extreme tilling and mono-crop practices are depleting the soil, destroying biodiversity, our planet, our communities, and our health. These flaws in the system are symptoms of a highly centralized food system pushing for large-scale industrial farming and shipping of produce all around the world.
As a society, we have become disconnected from our food. We expect vegetables to be cheap and to be available all year round. The agriculture industry is not only damaging our planet and our health but is also making it hard for young aspiring growers to start a farm. Yet, a vision for a better future is possible.
Regenerative agriculture with Holistic Management practices describes farming and grazing methods that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil biological life, including organic matter, and restoring soil with biodiversity resulting in both carbon sequestration and improved waterways.

These principles increase the health of our soil providing high-quality organic vegetables. Organic practices increase our yields and produce more nutritious, organic food while alleviating weed and pest pressure. In addition, they sustain the health and well-being of the livestock that graze our soils. It is truly a natural regenerative system. Simply put our soils feed the crops we grow, and our crops feed us.
Organic Vegetables
We grow plenty of greens and typical vegetables for you to in enjoy in the growing season. Our farm grows real food you can trust for your family. Healthy food starts with healthy land and organic seed. Grown in our certified organic soil, with our own compost, you can expect simple, pure organic produce. Local flavor, hand-picked for you just before packing, your vegetables are the freshest tasting they can be. Our pick-up locations are located in Easton MD.
Locally Laid Organic Heritage Eggs
Healthy nutritious eggs start with chickens grazing in healthy soils. Our farm sells fresh local eggs from chickens raised with kindness, free to roam our regenerative pastures, providing you with simply good organic food. With more Omega 3’s than 6’s, our eggs stand tall and colorful in the frying pan. You can pick up a dozen in our Farm Store, or are markets in Easton, MD.
Organic Heritage Chickens for Meat
Reconnecting you to your food, our farm raises certified organic chickens, simply good pure chicken for the consumer who cares about humane care, local flavor, and cost-effective meals. Cook once, eat twice or more with our whole chickens for multiple meals. Our chicken’s free range local organic pastureland in Easton, MD. They like to eat organic soy-free grain as well.
Organic Heritage Pork for Meat
We believe that great food doesn’t start in the kitchen. Great food starts with warm sunshine, green grass, and clean water, then curated by the farmer who feeds the animal, nurtures the land, and harvests the bounty.
When food is raised as nature intended, a great meal is sure to follow.
Our pasture-raised heritage pork is GMO-free, antibiotic-free, and growth stimulant-free. With plenty of room to root and roam, our animals truly only have “one bad day.” We promise you the highest quality pork, raised with integrity and impeccable standards in humane animal treatment and environmental stewardship. Cheers to good food.